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February 14, 2024

Vol. 4 Leaders Look

Family Leadership

One of the key benefits of working for Ajax is the family work life balance that is instilled here. Also, having the opportunity to take part in the Peak Performance Leadership Program has provided me the spirit and knowledge to lead at home. Many times, when people think of leadership, they think it only applies to their careers or the workplace. True leadership isn’t something that is limited to the workplace. True leadership shows itself in all aspects of life. Many families have that one person that can stand up, lead and be the “glue” to keep it all together. 

5 Ways you can be your families leader

1. Be the Leader of Your Family

The first step in leading your family is too honestly acknowledge what kind of leader your family deserves. Regardless of the structure of your family, you are a leader. If you have a partner, you are co-leading, if you are a single parent, you are the sole leader. Leaders have three qualities: Vision, Action and Spirit. You know where you are going and why you are going there; you are committed to taking the appropriate action to get there; and you are doing it with a spirit to inspire others to be and do their best. 

2. Establish Core Values

Establishing core values within your family is truly important in order to lead them. In my family, we call them the “Family Rules of the House” which includes respect, family first, accountability, individuality, conviction, communication, support, focus and most importantly….fun. Having family values helps keep us focused on the things that are truly important and meaningful to us. 

3. Create the Culture

Establishing those core values is the first step in creating the culture of your home. This is the culture of the spirit that lives in your home and it is felt by everyone. As the leader of your family, you can make that happen. 

4. Be Present

Leadership is an active role, not a passive one. It means being fully engaged with your family. One way to be present is to put that phone away and spend quality time with your family without devices. There’s a word we learned in one of leadership sessions….Phubbing. It’s “phone snubbing” and can make you withdrawn from your family. Phubbing compromises your ability to interact with others and take part in important conversations. 

5. Live By Example

Leadership is not a position or a title, it is an action and example. It starts with you and you must not only be present, but you must set the example. If respect is important to your family, then have self respect and show respect to those around you. 

Bonus: Have Fun

I don't know about you, but having fun with your loved ones is very important and meaningful. Lead your family to ensure they are having fun and is happy and healthy 

Be the leader your family needs and deserves.

"True leadership isn't something that is linked to the workplace. True leadership shows itself in all aspects of life".

Ginger Johnson


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